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Wednesday, June 29, 2011

JQuery : Introduction

jquery_normal  JQuery is a lightweight JavaScript framework developed by John Resig.

  JQuery is a lightweight "write less, do more" JavaScript library.

The jQuery library contains the following features:

  • HTML element selections
  • HTML element manipulation
  • CSS manipulation
  • HTML event functions
  • JavaScript Effects and animations
  • HTML DOM traversal and modification
  • AJAX
  • Utilities

CakePHP : A rapid development MVC Framework

Why Cake?
Ever since Ruby on Rails became a popular web-based framework, teams of developers have
been creating clones of Rails or Rails-like frameworks for various languages: TurboGears for
Python; Zend, Symfony, and many others for PHP; Catalyst for Perl; and on and on. With so
many options out there, why choose CakePHP for your web project?

Getting a web project off the ground can be cumbersome and technically demanding, especially
when using older methods of development. Cake, however, makes the initial steps of
building a web application easy. Rather than run installation scripts from the command line,
Cake comes prepackaged as a folder you simply drop onto a server and is ready to run.
The command line does come in handy once you begin building onto the framework.
Later, I’ll discuss Cake’s scaffolding features that cut down on routine development tasks.
With Cake, creating user flows in the application early on is simple and can improve communication
with clients. In some cases, a run-through of the application can be developed
in minutes, allowing the client to get an idea of the project’s architecture.
Once a project is fleshed out and launched, site maintenance is also improved thanks
to Cake. Because of its hierarchy and organization, as well as its effectiveness at limiting
redundancy, Cake helps developers adjust a web application on the fly. Cake also supports
test databases and URL routes for testing new features or versions of web applications on
the live setup.