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Sunday, March 13, 2011

Qt–OpenCV : Hello image display in the screen

After successfully configuring your Qt-Creator with OpenCV library, its now time to get your hands dirty with the openCV programming. Here I have created a simple sample program which loads the picture from your drive named hello.jpg. Its really simple Smile

Friday, March 11, 2011

Qt : Installing OpenCV in Qt Platform

QTCreator is the open source cross-platform IDE from Nokia’s QT project, and with its ease of use, complete integration with the QT library, and included compiler, it has proven to be a complete solution. After downloading the latest version of Qt-Creator and openCV libray w the following instructions to configure the openCV library.

Qt : Introduction

Qt is a cross-platforqt_logom application framework. Using Qt, you can write applications once and deploy them across many desktop and embedded operating systems without rewriting the source code.

Qt's vision is to have Qt Everywhere and to enable you to create advanced applications with innovative user experiences while getting to market quickly. Qt allows you to code once and deploy across major device and desktop operating systems.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

WxWidgets: Cross Platform GUI Programming

wxlogo  wxWidgets is a programmer’s toolkit for writing desktop or mobile applications with graphical user interfaces(GUIs). It’s a framework, in the sense that it does a lot of the housekeeping work and provides default application behavior. The wxWidgets library contains a large number of classes and methods for the programmer to use and customize. Applications typically show windows containing standard controls, possibly drawing specialized images and graphics and responding to input from the mouse, keyboard, or other sources. They may also communicate with other processes or drive other programs. In other words, wxWidgets makes it relatively easy for the programmer to write an application that does all the usual things modern applications do. While wxWidgets is often labeled a GUI development toolkit, it is in fact much more than that and has features that are useful for many aspects of application development. This has to be the case because all of a wxWidgets application needs to be portable to different platforms, not just the GUI part, wxWidgets provides classes for files and streams, multiple threads, application settings, interprocess communication, online help, database access, and much more.