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Friday, December 31, 2010

SDL : Introduction

SDL = Simple DirectMedia Layer is a free cross-platform multi-media development API. Its used for

  • games
  • game SDKs
  • emulators
  • demos
  • multimedia applications

What can it do?


  • Set a video mode at any depth (8-bpp or greater) with optional conversion, if the video mode is not supported by the hardware.
  • Write directly to a linear graphics framebuffer.
  • Create surfaces with colorkey or alpha blending attributes.
  • Surface blits are automatically converted to the target format using optimized blitters and are hardware accelerated, when possible. MMX optimized blits are available for the x86.
  • Hardware accelerated blit and fill operations are used if supported by the hardware.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

JQuery Based Game:- Quick Multiplication

This is a simple multiplication based game created usingthumbnail the JQuery Library. It uses the basic concept of html, css and JavaScript to create the layouts and logic needed for the game. The game uses the JQuery library for the easier accomplishment of the task and Karma Framework for the image and sounds loading. This is the game developed for the Class 6 for the deployment in rural villages by OLE NEPAL. 


To multiply the numbers with 0 at last quickly.


Try to load your truck with all boxes giving correct answers to the all questions and win the race.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Quick Start a PHP Project



In the beginning, there was nothing. Well, there were static web pages that had to be edited manually. That was a pain. And it didn’t do anything other than display text and images on a web page.
With the introduction of PHP/FI (Personal Homepage Tools) in 1995, everything changed. It became possible to create dynamic web applications that generated content on-the-fly and allowed users to interact with the once static web pages.
When Rasmus Lerdorf, the creator of PHP/FI, decided to release the source code of his project, the development went even faster.
Andi Gutmans and Zeev Suraski joined the project in 1997 and started working on PHP 3.0 as the official successor of PHP/FI. The development of PHP/FI was mostly halted. PHP 3.0 (which is a recursive acronym for PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor) was officially released in June 1998.
Shortly after the release, Andi and Zeev were already working on a rewrite of PHP’s core. It was finished in mid-1999 and the new engine, dubbed Zend Engine (comprised of parts of their first names, Zeev and Andi), was a huge success.
PHP 4.0, based on the new Zend engine, was officially released in May 2000.
After four long years, PHP 5.0 was released introducing a new object model and dozens of other new features. In 2010, PHP 5.3.1 is the latest stable release.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

PC Based Home Automation using VB

The project was done at Thapathali Campus for the V.S. Niketan Exhibition.

The project is based on the concept of controlling the different devices at home using the PC. The parallel port of computer was used as an interface for hardware connection using Computer.

Basic Interface of Software:-

PCInterfaceFig:- Basic Interface of Home automation using VB


1. PC Based Home Automation software

Thursday, September 16, 2010

C.yber [LOCUS 2010 Project]

C.yber is a cyber managemnet System completely build in C programming Language for the IOE event LOCUS 2010 organized on Ashwin 1 and 2.

C.yber is a program which interconnects different computers which allows users to communicate over the computer network and provide security from unauthorized users by login system in client server.
The project aims at managing the cyber cafe with multiple clients and give the clients access of services that the cyber is providing when it log in. The clients can log in as members or guests and use the services that the cyber is providing. The client can request services of cafe like tea, coffee or any others.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Client Sever Application in C

This project is intended to be done as Mini Project for Computer Programming I as the syllabus of IOE, TU. The project is based on networking in C programming.
The project is based on the client server architecture and its communication protocols. The project basically is divided into two sections:- Server and Client. The server has the full control of the information. The server can manage the information of the students and host the server to listen to clients so that client can get required information.
The features of the project include client which can chat with server for any reason or can search the information of a particular student. The chat part basically deals with message sending and receiving between server and client. When a client requests for the chat, server starts the session of chat and both can send and receive the message one at a time. When the chat session needs to be closed any user can type “end” and send it over network.
The server can store the information of the students and do all sorts of modification, search, delete them. The information is stored in the file at server. When client requests for it, the server searches the required from the file and replies back to the client.
This project is an implementation of how the information is exchanged in any network using sockets. Windows sockets 2 (Winsock) is used to create application capable of transmitting data across network independent of the network protocol being used. Winsock follows the Windows Open System Architecture (WOSA) model; it defines a standard service provider interface (SPI) between the application programming interface (API), with its exported functions and the protocol stacks. It uses the sockets paradigm that was first popularized by Berkeley Software Distribution (BSD) UNIX. It was later adapted for Windows in Windows Sockets 1.1, with which Windows Sockets 2 applications are backward compatible. Winsock programming previously centered around TCP/IP. Some programming practices that worked with TCP/IP do not work with every protocol. As a result, the Windows Sockets 2 API adds functions where necessary to handle several protocols.
The system is basically divided into two broad section:-
  • Server :- It is responsible for hosting the server so that client can start communication session.
  • Client :- Client connects to the server by giving the server IP address and port number to which it should connect to.

Application Block Diagram:

Saturday, May 22, 2010

gotoxy in Code::Blocks

Solution to gotoxy in codeblocks.

1. #include <windows.h>
2. Define a global variable  COORD coord = {0, 0}; // sets coordinates to 0,0
3. Make a function gotoxy()
void gotoxy (int x, int y)

        coord.X = x; coord.Y = y; // X and Y coordinates
        SetConsoleCursorPosition(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), coord);

You can call this gotoxy()  function to put cursor at any postion.

to change cursor type i.e. blinking,

_setcursortype(_NORMALCURSOR);  //for normal blinking cursor                               _setcursortype(_NOCURSOR);  //for NO cursor                                                                                      put these functions accordingly where u need it

Friday, April 23, 2010

ANPR(Automatic Number Plate Recognition) Using ALR(Automatic Line Tracking Robot)

It is almost known that the world is nowadays being more dependent in the computer than the human manpower. Today in the developed countries more than 90% of the job is done by automated system and this is due to the accuracy, reliability and versatile nature of the computer. In the developed western countries many big factories, nuclear plants, communication centers all of them are under the control of the computer because that’s not the place where human hand can reach up. To add the further mile for this step we have presented an automated number plate recognition using automatic line tracking robot. The
project is based on image processing technology using popular software MATLAB.
        The ANPR (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) using ALR (Automatic line
Tracking Robot) is a system designed to help in recognition of number plates of vehicles. This system is designed for the purpose of the security and it is a security system. This system is based on the image processing system. This system helps in the functions like detection of the number plates of the vehicles, processing them and using processed data for further processes like storing, allowing vehicle to pass or to reject vehicle. This system also helps to conduct the graphic images of the vehicles which can be further stored in the database in text format reducing size of data to be stored. 

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Online Nepal Information System

The project was done as III/II part mini project. Actually mini-project was something that is based on internet and existing knowledge of the internet technologies like HTML, CSS , JavaScript, PHP ,MYSQL etc.
This project is basically an online project which can give the information about our country Nepal. The project is made dynamic with admin panel from where we can upload the district information, videos, photo of different places with relatively rich resources.
There are various section on the project as History, Tourism and gallery section where we can find various information about the Nepal.
The screenshot of the project:-
Online Nepal Information System